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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

How to use the new facebook timeline ?!

hello ,

if you are going to use the new timeline of facebook , then you have to follow those steps :

  • Login Facebook and access the developer app (click on Allow button)
  • Click on Create New App 
    (enter the App display name ,App namespace and captcha code )
    Don't worry nothing going to be published type whatever you want.
  •  On side you new App ,Click on Open Graph tab ,type and thing on the 2 fields and click on Get Start .
  • Go back to your profile ,you will get asked if you want to get the new timeline ,Click on Get It now .
  • Gratz you got it now :) .
  • If you don't like it you can easily reverse By re accessing the developer app and Delete your application .  

Sunday, November 13, 2011

complex systems !!!!

A complex system that works is invariably
found to have evolved from a simple system
that worked. The inverse proposition also
appears to be true: A complex system
designed from scratch never works and
cannot be made to work. You have to start
over, beginning with a working simple system.


Don’t make something unless it is both
necessary and useful; but if it is both
necessary and useful, don’t hesitate to
make it beautiful.