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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Howto make ubuntu 11.10 looks like 10.04 ?!

We are going to make ubuntu 11.10 looks like 10.04 .

Only you have to follow the upcoming steps

First we have to install gnome

Sudo apt-get -y install gnome

it going to download like 120 M.B

after you finish that .

now it going to lead you to configure the GDM

Choose OK
Choose lightdm

it will take mints to config it

then you have to remove the overlay-scroller

sudo apt-get -y remove overlay-scrollbar

sudo apt-get -y install gnome-tweak-tool

After that you can reboot ,then before typing your password Choose

Gnome Classic

which one you like :) .

for more information you can see this video